

Friends of the Alphabet maintains a library of books, video, and multi-media items on subjects of calligraphy, typography, bookbinding, and other paper arts. The library is exhibited at each meeting and members are encouraged to peruse and check out items before and after the main program. The FOTA Librarian will be happy to help with finding specific requests, and items may be kept for one month until the next meeting.

If there’s a book or item you would like to see in the library, let us know and we’ll do our best to add it to the collection. If you have books or material that you think would benefit the guild, we are more than happy to accept donations, and will add the items with notation of your generosity.

LIBRARY UPDATE!: September 30, 2004

On the night of our August meeting, Carol Gray and Kathleen Herndon arrived early in order to unpack and list the materials recently donated to FOTA . With the help of Darlene Sisk, Carol and Kathleen tallied and shelved a total of 10 videotapes, 2 sets of slides, and 148 books, instructional pamphlets, or exhibit catalogs (multiple copies are not included in this count).

In early September, Kathleen — in her capacity as new FOTA librarian — created labelled check-out cards for the new materials as well as a card for the files of our total collection. She has just ordered additional book pockets. Fifty-four will be used to complete the job of labelling the donated books. (An additional 9 titles were donated to the library by Coats Brown, and will be properly catalogued as soon as possible.)

At this point, the library is essentially ready to use! The new books are shelved separately from the existing collection, but that shouldn’t prevent anyone from borrowing books. What is not known at this point is exactly how many books from the existing collection are missing. Judging from the size of the existing card file, it appears that many of our library items may be already checked out! Please take a look in your bookshelves and return any FOTA materials at the next meeting! No questions asked. Thanks!